Origin of baby sign language
Dr. Joseph Garcia, fascinated by communication and a teacher of American Sign Language, was inspired by the birth of his son in the mid-1980s to use sign language with babies long before they spoke their first word. He is considered the grandfather of the baby sign language revolution.
Then, Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Suzan Goodwyn, professors of psychology, developed a set of baby signs, specifically adapted to the motor skills of toddlers.
In the United States and Europe, the language
baby signs is well known and is widely used in early childhood centers and daycare centers.
For several years in Quebec, the movement has been gaining momentum and its benefits deserve to be better known.
Several specialists such as speech therapists also use it in their practice for language stimulation.

Simplified sign language:
the base
It is instinctive for humans to communicate through signs. For example, a child makes the bye bye gesture with his hand from the age of 6 months. It is also easy for him to learn several of them.
Additionally, when you find yourself in a noisy environment that does not allow you to communicate verbally and be heard, again, signs are a useful and effective alternative.
Finally, when children with different mother tongues are together, a useful alternative to common language is to use gestures to communicate.
For babies, who are not yet able to verbalize their needs and emotions, motor gestures are completely within their reach. Simplified sign language becomes, on this basis, a fascinating and powerful tool.

Simplified sign language:
it's what?
The principle of sign language is to associate a gesture with a word, with a concept. It is not a language in the strict sense, since it has no grammar.
Simplified Sign Language is not intended to replace speech; it is rather a transitional language. It is a support for developing language, communication and expression.
The benefits of simplified sign language
Because the child is able to express himself very early, from the age of 6 months, sign language can provide several benefits.
- Strengthen the stronger attachment bond with the parent and educator;
- Reduce crying;
- Reduce the frequency of attacks and their intensity;
- Reduce frustration and anger;
- Defuse conflicts;
- Allowing toddlers to express their needs and emotions;
- Facilitate the transition to speech;
- Alleviate the 2-year crisis;
- Emphasize the development of the learning process;
- Increase memory development;
- Emphasize communication skills;
- Increase self-esteem;
- Allow the whole family to communicate with the child;
- Continue to express emotions more easily for 3 and above;
- Identify the emotions of others more easily since signing children have developed the habit of watching gestures and non-verbal communication;
- Develop a more elaborate vocabulary;
- Increase interest in reading;
- Facilitate the learning of a second spoken language;
- Raise IQ (up to 12 points).
Since it is understood, the child who communicates with sign language gains self-confidence and self-esteem, thus promoting his motivation to explore the world around him.
Sign language also proves to be a rich basis of communication where all children are included, regardless of their condition. Whether the child is neurotypical, has a hearing disorder, language disorder, autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit disorder, a single tool can be used with all. Equality is thus promoted, despite differences.
Along the same lines, whether the child is French-speaking, English-speaking or allophone, one and the same tool can also be used with all. Uniqueness is thus welcomed.
Samuel Signes tools:
sign cards and mobile application
Samuel Signes products were created following the desire of two parents to make a difference in the life of their little boy by
allowing him, from a very young age, to develop learning and communication tools.
Samuel Signes' mission is to make simplified sign language as important as learning a second language. The goal is to allow children to express themselves and communicate using simple, interactive and entertaining tools, for a fun and memorable experience.
From the already existing signs, the most popular and most frequently used signs were selected to create a bank of 100 signs adapted to the reality of toddlers. Their sign cards as well as their mobile application therefore integrate these 100 judiciously chosen signs.
Samuel Signes products are unique on the market today. The 3.5-inch by 5.75-inch sign cards with a laminated finish are a concrete, colorful, practical, stimulating and 100% Quebec tool. The cards support the learning of simplified sign language through interactive play, and all in fun.
Sign cards do not require any prior training for use. Learning simplified sign language is therefore less burdensome for both parents and educators. They also facilitate complicity between them.
In addition to simplified sign language, sign cards also allow for several complementary learning experiences, always with a single tool:
- 3 languages: French, English and Spanish;
- 9 colors: blue, red, orange, turquoise, purple, aqua, pink, yellow, green;
- 9 categories: action, adjective, animals, communication, emotion, environment, family, food, object;
- Learning 100 pictograms linked to signs;
In addition to the sign cards, the Samuel à la Plage mobile application is also available to learn simplified sign language. It is also available in 3 languages: French, English and Spanish. It contains a short animated film telling one of Samuel's adventures, songs, a catalogue of 100 carefully selected signs and an interactive game.
The Samuel à la Plage application attracts parents who appreciate technology. It thus promotes complicity with the child since it is a simple and fun game.
The interactive game accessible through the mobile application also becomes an additional practical, simple and accessible link between parents, educators and specialists.
The application also enables valuable synergy at the family level through interaction between parents and children of different ages and/or conditions.
Also, by associating the application with the sign cards, augmented reality can be activated. It allows you to learn simplified sign language with Samuel. Samuel's avatar then becomes a learning friend who skillfully captures the attention of children.
Finally, the sign cards and the app are interactive games that can be used with several children and thus contribute to socialization.

In conclusion
Samuel Signes tools promote interaction with educators, children and parents, thus helping to develop meaningful, quality relationships.
Samuel Signes tools also promote the child's overall development, both in terms of language, motor, emotional, cognitive and social skills.
To order or learn more Visit www.samuelsignes.com